TST begins with a lengthy assessment phase to identify your child’s unique needs, triggers, and treatment options. From there, your child and family may enter treatment in any of the three phases of the program.
Safety Focused: Youth who enter treatment at this phase have symptoms and behaviors that may cause them to be unsafe, such as self-harm, running away, or suicidal thoughts. Your family may require additional sessions to help support the child in becoming safe again.
Regulation Focused: In this phase, youth are engaging in relatively safe behaviors although may continue to have challenging symptoms, such as depression, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, arguing, and academic challenges. Your family and providers will focus on helping the youth to regulate their nervous system, develop coping skills, and feel safe and secure in their environment again.
Beyond Trauma: In this final phase, youth process the trauma that has happened to them with the support of their treatment team and caregivers. Youth and families may find that throughout this phase, their appointments decrease and they begin to return to more “normal life,” such as dating, spending time with friends, participating in extra curricular activities, and going to school functions.